Our news and specialist articles at a glance


Abgeltung von Planungsmehrwerten

In november 2020 two provisions of the Gesetz des Kantons Basel-Landschaft über die Abgeltung von Planungsmehrwerten have been qualified as not valid by the federal court.

This newsletter points out the crucial findings and informs what the meaning of the decision will be for communities of canton of Basel-Landschaft.

Download pdf NEOVIUS Aktuell Nr. 15 (66 KB)


Rezoning of oversized construction zones

In this newsletter, Dr. Christoph Meyer and Laura Luthiger explain the requirements of spatial planning law with regard to the necessary rezoning. The authors set out how such a rezoning is to be carried out and what compensation consequences the communities must expect.

Communities with oversized construction zones must consider rezoning in the coming years. This is a consequence of the revised Federal Act on Spatial Planning (Spatial Planning Act, SPA) which came into force in 2014.

Download pdf Neovius Aktuell Nr. 14 (90 KB)


Revision BöB 2019

The Federal government has revised the Federal Act on Public Procurement (BöB). The revised Act is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2021. In this newsletter, Christoph Meyer summarises the most important changes at the Federal level. Current procurement developments are of particular importance because the cantons will also decide about the revision of their intercantonal agreement (IVöB) soon. The aim is basically to harmonise the provisions applied by the Confederation and the cantons.

Download pdf Neovius Aktuell Nr. 13 (85 KB)

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