Our news and specialist articles at a glance


Rafael Navarro as new Attorney at NEOVIUS

We are very pleased to announce that MLaw Rafael Navarro has joined our team as a new advocate since February 7, 2022.

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NEOVIUS One of the Leading Law Firms in Switzerland Once Again

For the fifth time in a row, NEOVIUS is one of the top law firms in Switzerland. We have achieved four stars ratings by the Swiss business magazine BILANZ in the categories:

Download pdf Logo Top-Anwaltskanzlei 2021 (100 KB)

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Michael Kaufmann is our new Partner

NEOVIUS is very pleased to welcome Michael Kaufmann as new Partner.

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Abgeltung von Planungsmehrwerten

In november 2020 two provisions of the Gesetz des Kantons Basel-Landschaft über die Abgeltung von Planungsmehrwerten have been qualified as not valid by the federal court.

This newsletter points out the crucial findings and informs what the meaning of the decision will be for communities of canton of Basel-Landschaft.

Download pdf NEOVIUS Aktuell Nr. 15 (66 KB)

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