NEOVIUS is the top law firm of 2017
In cooperation with Statista, the BILANZ business magazine identified the top law firms in Switzerland for the first time in 2017. We are very pleased that NEOVIUS was appointed the leading law firm in Switzerland for construction and planning law, tenancy law and real estate law.
New findings for procurement law from the rulings of the cantonal courts
In our newsletter no. 10, Christoph Meyer summarises the most recent rulings about selection and award criteria of the courts of the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft.
Special features of employment relationships under public law
With the introduction by the administration of new public management, public personnel law has also seen in-depth changes. For example, the civil servant position for a fixed period of employment was replaced by permanent employment relationships with the possibility of termination of employment. Traditional disciplinary law has mostly been abolished. The new performance and impact orientation finds expression in more flexible wage systems and employee management by objectives, among others. Christoph Meyer and Nadja Lüthi point out some of the special features of public personnel law in this newsletter.